Event Date: 12/6/2014

So, you want to present at SkeptiCamp NYC 2014?!

This guide will tell you almost everything you need to know that applies to SkeptiCamp NYC. If you have never attended nor presented at a SkeptiCamp before, you should first read up on the more general information found here: www.SkeptiCamp.org/wiki/Main_Page, then review our specific instructions and suggestions on this page.

Some important points to make, up front:

  • We highly recommend that you submit your session idea in advance! This year, we will try to accommodate “last-minute” session proposals, and some “morning of” scheduling commonly found in BarCamps. However, we cannot guarantee such ad hoc spots will be available. By submitting your idea ahead of time, you stand a much better chance of getting to do your thing.
  • We have a “soft” deadline for submitting session proposals, which is November 21st, 2014. Anything submitted on or before that date will be considered for “advance scheduling”. Only if there are spots left, afterward, would be consider sessions ideas submitted after that date.
  • Please read our Questions & Answers section, for more details, when you are ready.

Here are the steps necessary to submit your idea:

  1. Come up with an idea that will appeal to skeptics and/or science enthusiasts. A good source of presentation ideas can be found here:www.SkeptiCamp.org/wiki/Session_Ideas. Or, you can mine your own brain for topics you can exude some enthusiasm for!

    Also, check out our Session Template Suggestions, to decide how to use your time.

  2. Don’t forget to read the Questions & Answers page!
  3. Register to attend the event, with our Registration Form.

    Be sure to do so before midnight on November 21st, 2014. (There is no charge to join SkeptiCamp NYC for this year.)

  4. After initial registration, you can enter your session proposal on the “Edit Your Profile” page that comes up.
  5. After your submission, you should see your proposal posted on the Submissions Page, along with everyone else’s. (If it does not show up, at all, within a few minutes, let us know!)
  6. The final “advanced schedule” will be announced on November 23rd, 2014. You will be informed, via e-mail, if you are going to present.

    Some folks may be chosen as alternates. If one of the originally scheduled presenters is absent, or otherwise unable to conduct his or her session-hosting duties, an alternate will be selected to take their place.

    (If you did not make the cut because the schedule filled up, consider making a poster.)

Even if you were not chosen to present, you should still attend the conference. We will welcome you, with open arms, as someone who is probably either very informed or opinionated or both, on some important matters.

So, what are you waiting for?! Go ahead and join us with your proposal!!

Contact us with questions or comments: mitchlampert@optonline.net

To apply for this job please visit the following URL: http://www.skepticampnyc.org/PresenterGuide.aspx →

New York Skeptics